Online Tax Preparation Service


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Most home buyers take out a mortgage loan to buy their home and then make monthly payments to the mortgage holder. This payment may include several costs of owning a home. The costs the homeowner can deduct are:

    state and local real estate taxes, subject to the $10,000 limit.

    home mortgage interest, within the allowed limits: For qualifying debt taken out after December 15, 2017, you can only deduct home mortgage interest on up to $750,000 ($375,000 if you are married filing separately) of that debt.

Homeowners can't deduct any of the following items:

    Insurance including fire and comprehensive coverage and title insurance

    The amount applied to reduce the principal of the mortgage

    Wages paid to domestic help


    The cost of utilities, such as gas, electricity or water

    Most settlement or closing costs

    Forfeited deposits, down payments or earnest money

    Internet or Wi-Fi system or service

    Homeowners' association fees, condominium association fees or common charges

    Home repairs

We offer a special discount for W2 customers-20%.

We give an addition 50% discount to individuals 56 years or older for Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts to FinCEN.

California individuals and businesses impacted by the 2022-23 winter storms qualify for an extension until Oct. 16, 2023, to file and pay taxes.

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